Migraine has been estimated to effect 2.7 million Americans. This condition can put an additional stress on our normal daily activities like, work, home, and social life. Living with migraine can be very difficult for those that experience multiple attacks monthly, especially if it disables them for a day or more. Migraine treatment with a Fredericksburg Chiropractor can help. Specializing in conservative orthopedics, migraine relief Fredericksburg without medications or surgery. There are two different types, migraine with aura (classic), and migraine without aura (common).
Migraine or migraine without aura
Migraine headache is a headache that tends to affect females more than males and typically begins in teenage years. 80-85% of migraine sufferers have migraine without aura. Also known as the common migraine. The pain associated with the condition is usually unilateral (on one side of the head). It is characterized as a throbbing or pulsating feeling. It tends to be worse when in heavily lit areas (photophobia). It can also worsen when load sounds are present (phonophobia). Seeking out sanctuary in a cool, quiet, dim room is typical for sufferers. It can be associated with nausea and vomiting, and vomiting may even provide temporary relief. Migraine has been known to travel in families affecting multiple members.
Migraine was once believed to be fully caused by vascular changes, however is now believed to be neurogenic. Due to this reason, the upper 3 cervical vertebrae can be seen as a trigger as these structures send sensory input to the trigeminal nucleus and the trigeminal nerve innervates the inner lining of the brain. Any dysfunction to these upper cervical regions can indirectly trigger an attack.

Migraine and its link to the upper cervical region.
Once triggered it is very hard to abort. Vasoactive peptides are released during the beginning of an attack, and if not stopped at this stage, the sufferer has very little chance of cutting the migraine short, and likely will have to suffer the entire attack. This is why with some medications, you must take it as soon as you have even the smallest indication that an attack is coming on. If not they are of no use.
There are many causes of migraine and with chiropractic, the upper cervical trigger needs to be evaluated and reliably excluded. With the upper cervical region being a possible trigger, chiropractic can prove to be particularly useful for this patient.
Criteria for migraine headache (migraine without aura):
- An individual suffering from migraine without aura must have had 5 or more attacks lasting 4-72 hours with 2 or more of the following:
- Unilateral location (reported in 59% of sufferers).
- Pulsating character (reported in 85% of sufferers).
- Severity in the moderate to severe range, that inhibits activities.
- Headache is aggravated and causes avoidance of simple daily activities.
- Must also have one or more of:
- Nausea (reported in 73% of sufferers) and vomiting.
- Sensitivity to light “photophobia” (reported in 80% of sufferers), and sensitivity to sound “phonophobia” (reported in 76% of sufferers).
Predicting migraine with POUNDing pneumonic:
Another way to predict whether your headache is a migraine or not is using the following pneumonic POUNDing:
- P- pulsating,
- O- duration of 4-72 hOurs,
- U- unilateral (one side),
- N- nausea,
- D- disabling.
Migraine with Aura
Migraine with aura is also known as the Classic Migraine. This type of migraine only effects 10-15% of the migraine sufferers. It is identical to the migraine without aura, or common migraine in pretty much all areas except for a neurological phenomenon called aura. An aura can last anywhere for 30 minutes to 2 hours. This classically presents itself as visual disturbances like flashing lights (scotoma), or central vision blurriness or blindness, that progressively moves into the peripheral visual fields where it resolves. In a migraine with aura, the headache can begin during the aura stage or immediately after.
Migraine with aura can create severe anxiety, making the sufferer fear that something life threatening is occurring. The most common is visual aura and is often described as blind spots, zig-zaggers, and flashing lights. Subjective descriptions like bubbling, old-time movie (appearance of strobe-like picture), and morphing are also used.
Neurological manifestations of migraine with aura
Changes to the olfactory system or sense of smell can occur. Paresthesia or change in sensation. This is most reported in the areas of the tongue and upper extremities, in a majority of sufferers. Facial or limb weakness can also be reported. All of these symptoms can present as a life threatening event and mimic stroke.
Complex Migraine relief Fredericksburg
In the case of migraine where the aura is the predominant symptom or it outlasts the headache, it is then considered complex migraine. Any of these auras in this presentation are considered migraine equivalents. These aura can be particularly worrisome in a new migraine sufferer and can include any of the following:
- Temporary hemiparesis.
- paralysis to one side of the body and can last days.
- ophthalmoplegic (cranial nerves are involved)
- this causes diplopia (double vision), and eye pain.
- Basilar
- this can create vertigo, diplopia (double vision), tinnitus (ringing in the ear), and ataxia (inability to walk).
Criteria for migraine headache with aura:
- Having at least 2 attacks with the following 3 characteristics:
- one or more resolved aura symptoms
- at least one aura symptom developing gradually over 5 -10 minutes lasting less than 60 minutes. Or 2 or more aura symptoms occur on after the other.
- the headache follows the resolution of aura within 60 minutes, or the headache begins during, or simultaneously with aura symptoms.
Common triggers of Migraine headache:
- Food:
- Nitrates, cheese, chocolate, nuts, wine, fried foods, dairy, and nitrates in fish or meats.
- Things that create high levels of histamine should be avoided. This includes fermented foods, and leftovers. The longer it sits the higher the histamine production.
- MSG or monosodium glutamate.
- Lack of sleep
- Change of weather
- Changes in atmospheric pressure can create sudden migraine attacks.
- Stress
- Upper cervical dysfunction.
- The upper 3 cervical vertebrae have sensory fibers that relay information into the trigeminal nucleus which innervates the inner brain lining. Injury or irritation of these segments can trigger an attack.
- Smells
- Certain smells like perfumes can trigger attack.
- Hormonal changes or imbalance.
Forms of migraine relief Fredericksburg migraine treatment
Nutritional migraine treatment of feverfew, 5-HTP, omega-3 fatty acids, magnesium, calcium and vitamin D, and riboflavin may be helpful. Magnesium as migraine treatment before a females menstrual cycle may prevent this hormonal migraine.
Medication migraine treatment are primarily prophylactic and abortive and includes the use of:
- Triptans- serotonin agonist.
- should be avoided during pregnancy and its total effectiveness estimated at 60%.
- Over the counter non-steroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAID).
- have the potential to be effective with the risk of developing rebound migraine if used for longer than 3 days consecutively.
- the combination of acetaminophen, aspirin and caffeine have been shown to be effective for most cases of migraine with aura as well as migraine without aura.
Migraine relief Fredericksburg
Searching for migraine relief Fredericksburg can be difficult. Starting your journey with a Fredericksburg chiropractor that specializes in orthopedics can help. This will ensure comprehensive workup and examination. Some things that may provide useful would be, avoid triggers. Keeping sleeping schedules as regular as possible. Don’t skip meals. Avoid the foods mentioned as triggers and make use of dietary journal. Manage stress with things like meditation keeping uninterrupted relaxation times.
Chiropractic care for migraine relief Fredericksburg can significantly help a migraine sufferer. This can be achieved with proper workup, and receiving education about the condition to alleviate any of the anxiety or stress caused by its symptoms. As a chiropractor Fredericksburg, migraine treatment can begin immediately by working with one of the common triggers, the cervical spine.
If you are looking migraine relief Fredericksburg, make an appointment with us today. Lets get your migraine treatment started and get you on your journey to recovery.