Exercises For Low Back Pain
I get these questions all the time on what exercises a patient can be doing for low back pain. Exercises for low back pain have two parts, things or exercises you should do, and exercises you should not do. But the very first, and most important thing to do for low back pain, is diagnosis….Read More
Chiropractic Care for Athletes
If you’re an athlete, you know that taking care of your body is essential for optimal performance especially when dealing with an orthopedic condition. Proper nutrition, rest, and training are all important, but what about chiropractic care? Chiropractic care for athletes has been growing in popularity over the years, and for good reason. There are…Read More
Arm Numbness When Sleeping, What’s Causing It?
Arm numbness when sleeping can affect our sleep and create anxiety of what is causing the discomfort. Arm numbness shows up in different places on the hand, one of the most common pinky numbness. Sleeping well at night is something that is necessary for healthy habits. Seeking help from a specialist like a chiropractic orthopedist…Read More
Prevent Back Pain While Traveling
Traveling can be an exciting and enjoyable experience, but it can also come with its own set of physical challenges. One of the most common complaints among travelers is back pain. Back pain is caused by a variety of factors such as sitting for long periods of time, carrying heavy bags, and sleeping in unfamiliar…Read More
Back Pain While Skiing
Skiing is a beloved winter activity for many, but it can also be a source of back pain for some. However, with the right precautions and techniques, you can reduce your risk of back pain while skiing. Our chiropractic clinic in Fredericksburg Va can help with orthopedic conditions that can cause your pain. See our…Read More
Chiropractor Orthopedic Care for Spinal Stenosis in Fredericksburg
Spinal stenosis is a condition in which the spinal canal becomes narrowed, placing pressure on the spinal cord and nerve roots. This can cause a variety of symptoms, such as pain, numbness, and weakness in the back, legs, and arms. While there are a number of treatment options available, including surgery and medication, many people…Read More