Chiropractor Visits for Life?
Will you need to see a Fredericksburg chiropractor for the rest of your life? My plan is to get you out of pain, then on supportive care – mostly from home.
Try These Easy Flavor Packed Summer Farmers Market Recipes
~~I don’t know about you, but I love summer because of the vegetables that are available at the Farmers Market! It is so easy to reboot your body with plenty of fruits and...
Five Things You Can Do For Better Health
A friend asked me; Why are so many people experiencing pain? My mother asked me how my rheumatoid arthritis was these days and why are there so many people with it? A friend...
Black Bean Recipe
Black Bean Recipe (simpler) I just don't like too many ingredients 2 - 25 oz cans of beans (I use one Black and 1 Kidney) 1 1/2 cup of Gluten Free Whole Grain Rolled Oats 1...